📍 Near SE 34th & SE Belmont, Portland, Oregon, United States
We are moving to a new space (two blocks from our current location) and updated format! Regularly scheduled events will be on pause starting August 24th until September 9. We will have rooms for rent in our new space!
“School” = a place for learning
“Art” = creative solutions for living
“Time” = a construct
📋 Get involved
We are radically repurposing the word “school”. For us, “school” is a liberatory place for learning from and with each other. We follow in the lineage of critical pedagogy, free schools, and alternative art & design schools.
In contrast, traditional schools are spaces where conformity is demanded, hierarchies are fixed, and participation is compulsory or forced. Schools have been used to reinforce race, class, and gender hierarchies, often in coercive and violent ways. While schools are a site of learning, what is learned and valued is most often shaped by and serves those in power.
Art can be a practice, not a product, and it’s not just for for a select group. For us, “art” is a collective practice that helps us explore, express, expand and experiment with what’s possible. We want to expand what we see as art and who sees themselves as an artist. We want to share any creative solutions that emerge in an open source kinda way.
In contrast, the globalized art world is most often exclusive and exclusionary. Culture and creativity are turned into status and wealth. Even visionary, beautiful and radical ideas are turned into products for sale. Who gets to be an artist and whose art is valued in this system reinforces inequality.
Time is a construct, and we can construct different perceptions and experiences of it. It feels like capitalism has shaped the modern perception of time into a grid of abstract labor hours with a goal of maximum productivity. Through investigating art and time together, we can explore, deconstruct, and redefine time in ways that better serve us individually and collectively.