Coworking Time
Work From Here
Monday-Friday from 9am to 5pm, we are open for “business”! Whatever you’re working on, if you can take it with you, you can do it from The School of Art and Time.
More info: Work From HereDinner Time
Tuesday Night Dinners
Almost every Tuesday we host a simple group vegan/gluten-free meal for the purpose of creative community building.
More Info: Tuesday Night DinnersResidency Time
We offer a residency program for artists and time-benders with all different types of practices. This residency program isn’t defined by credentials, it’s defined by potential! We want to hear what you want to do, and especially encourage first-time applicants! Residents are responsible for facilitating the events listed above, and otherwise have full access to the space and surrounding amenities. Residencies vary in duration from 1 week to 1 month.
Tell us you are interested in a residency
Community members offer structured learning times, exploring different dimensions of art and time.
Other Events
We support and encourage you to create/host the events that you’d like to see. If you have an idea for an event that you’d like to host here, contact us!